
原著漫畫對奇利柯的身世並沒有清楚說明,導致他有點神祕,知名度也大大遜於黑傑克、皮諾可。這篇文章英文的部份取自「Tezuka in English」,因為寫得滿好,所以翻成中文,希望大家能夠更了解他。採中英對照,中文有疑義時,請自行參照原文。



Dr. Kiriko does not appear in the two English volumes of the Black Jack manga, but he does appear in the original OAVs, in episode four: Two Dark Doctors.


       奇利柯醫生沒有出現在兩本英文版的《怪醫黑傑克》漫畫中 (譯按:英文版的漫畫只有出版兩本,非常地少;義大利版出了25本,法文版出了十幾本 ) ,但在OVA第四集「拒食‧兩位無照醫師」他有現身其中。

Black Jack has many enemies, but Dr. Kiriko is his only true nemesis and rival. Often referred to as “Black Jack’s Dark Reflection”, Kiriko is a brilliant doctor who served in the second world war. His experiences of violence and suffering have driven him to believe that death is sometimes a better alternative than a life of pain, a conclusion precisely opposed to Black Jack’s conviction that one should always fight for life no matter the circumstances. Dr. Kiriko now operates as an underground doctor, much like Black Jack, traveling the world and charging fees as outrageous as Black Jack’s for his own special service, painless euthanasia.



Because Black Jack and Kiriko have known one another for a very long time, and because they are fundamentally so similar but with opposite philosophies of medicine, the combination is quite explosive whenever the two cross paths. Indeed, it is fair to say that, while on their own Kiriko and Black Jack are both good, principled people, whenever the two cross paths they both become vicious, petty, and often downright cruel in their attempts not only to thwart the other but to rub the other’s face in failure. Many of the most objectionable acts Black Jack ever commits he does to battle Kiriko, but on the rare occasions that they work together, they make such perfect partners that one can only mourn the fact that they cannot work together more often.


Dr. Kiriko’s character was created for his role in Black Jack, but he appears also in the science-fiction manga Prime Rose (1982), a series in which Black Jack himself does not appear. I have no information yet about his role in that , except that he wears a military uniform and carries a sword. Kiriko’s character design is unusual for Tezuka’s characters in that he has gray shading on his cheeks – Tezuka rarely uses gray tone in his character designs. The images we see of young Kiriko bear a striking resemblance to Jiro Tenge from Ayako, which was written from 1972-1973, shortly before Dr. Kiriko's first appearance in Black Jack in October 1974.

       奇利柯醫生這個角色專為《怪醫黑傑克》而創造,但他也出現在科幻漫畫《Prime Rose》(1982)裡面。我尚不清楚他在裡面的角色,只知道他穿著軍服、配了一把劍。奇利柯的角色設定相較於其他手塚筆下的人物,顯得很不尋常:他的臉頰有塊灰色的陰影,手塚老師創造人物時很少用到灰色色調。奇利柯年輕時候的模樣和《奇子》漫畫裡面的天外仁朗長得非常相像,《奇子》這部漫畫是在1972和1973年間完成的,稍稍早於1974年11月奇利柯醫生在《怪醫黑傑克》中的初次登場。

←奇利柯在《Prime Rose》中的樣子,看不出來衣著。




Here follows an incomplete list of Dr. Kiriko’s appearances, with summaries, since none of these manga issues have been printed in English. Note that Kiriko also appears in the 4th episode of the original OAV series, the recent BLACK JACK: TWO DARK DOCTORS movie, several episodes in the Black Jack 21 TV series, and one episode of the online Flash animation series.


Manga issue #46, Bacteriological Weapon aka "God of Death's Incarnation"

Dr. Black Jack and Dr. Kiriko are both hired by the military and brought blindfolded to a secret research base where they are to examine some plague victims. It becomes apparent that their patients have been infected with an experimental biological weapon and the military have no intention of allowing them to be cured, and that the military chose Black Jack and Kiriko because the two are underground doctors, thus little fuss will be raised if they are secretly disposed of. Black Jack and Kiriko work together to escape and save the patients, and a number of the military men are killed in the process.



Manga #56, Black Mirror Image

Black Jack is hired by two children to save their hospitalized mother, but the mother has secretly hired Dr. Kiriko to euthanize her to relieve her children of the burden of caring for her. Black Jack discovers this, and he and Kiriko make a bet, with the operating fee as the steaks, Black Jack winning if he can save the woman, Kiriko if he fails. Black Jack struggles and in the end does save the woman, but after the operation the ambulance who was transporting her crashes, killing both the woman and her two children. Dr. Kiriko mocks Black Jack saying that no matter what man does he cannot conquer death, but Black Jack vows to keep fighting.





Manga #79, The Killing Doctor

Dr, Kiriko storms into Black Jack’s home without warning, demanding to know where his father is. After he departs, his sister arrives, bringing his father who is gravely ill. She explains that after many doctors have failed to cure their father, her brother is now determined to euthanize him, and she has brought him to Dr. Black Jack as the last chance to save his life. Black Jack accepts the case, but Kiriko returns, and the two fight viciously over the question of whether or not to kill the patient. Black Jack attempts an operation, allowing Kiriko to assist, though Kiriko insists it is in vain. In the end Black Jack discovers a way to cure the father, but Kiriko has already secretly administered a lethal injection, and his father dies on Black Jack’s operating table. Despite the obvious pain Kiriko is in facing his sister and the death of his father, Black Jack nevertheless lectures him at length about his “evil” ways, though Kiriko declares he will continue to practice euthanasia.





Manga #146, Water which Very Near to Transparent

Dr. Kiriko’s sister comes again to Black Jack, this time because Kiriko has been infected with an incurable and highly contagious illness and quarantined himself on an island intending to die there. Black Jack comes at the sister’s request and, against Kiriko’s will, works to cure him and prevents Kiriko’s many attempts to kill himself to prevent the spread of the infection. In the end Black Jack succeeds in finding the source of the illness, a giant paramecium parasite whose composition, 99.9% water, makes it almost invisible. Black Jack removes the parasite and mocks Kiriko quite viciously, though Kiriko still insists that Black Jack should have let him die rather than risk spreading the plague. Both here and in “The Killing Doctor” the depictions of Kiriko’s sister are quite sexual, with a subtle romantic tension between her and Black Jack, who is so similar to her brother. The illness depicted in this issue is used as the basis for the mysterious illness in the first episode of the Black JackOAV series, though Dr. Kiriko does not appear in that OAV.




(希望我沒有譯錯才好,這篇英文的作者不知何許人也,為什麼他會認為尤莉和黑傑克之間存在著淡淡的浪漫氛圍?尤莉的形象可以用「sexual」這個字形容嗎?是不是因為她有脫衣服?我倒覺得山本賢治老師畫的版本比較淫穢 Orz )

Manga #177, One Hour Before Death

Dr. Black Jack and Dr. Kiriko meet in a restaurant, where Kiriko tells Black Jack about a new poison he has obtained for his euthanasia. While the two talk, the poison is stolen by a boy who thinks it is medicine which will help his sister. Black Jack and Kiriko together race to save the girl, and for once we get to see how well the two work together.




Black Jack OAV episode 4, Two Dark Doctors

Based partly on Manga #56, “Black Mirror Image” and partly on Manga #134 “Death of a Movie Star”  (which did not contain Dr. Kiriko). In this story Black Jack is hired to treat a young movie star suffering from a strange and severe form of anorexia. In her despair, she tries to run away, and is rescued from a car wreck by Dr. Kiriko. She correctly identifies him as the legendary euthanasia doctor, but she has already given every penny she had to Dr. Black Jack, so has none left to hire him. In the end it is Kiriko’s special knowledge of biological warfare which lets him identify the illness as a byproduct of an old bio-engineered bacteriological parasite, and thanks to him Black Jack is able to cure the illness and save the woman. Kiriko leaves abruptly without any final words.



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    Penny Tsai


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